Leader Dues

All Leaders on the LLL of MA/RI/VT Area roster are required to pay individual Leader dues annually.

As stated in LLLI Policies and Standing Rules (PSR) Appendix 6A, Leaders must “participate in at least one Area or Affiliate recognized by LLLI, for mutual support and accountability.” Leaders must be current with dues to be considered active Leaders with LLLI liability insurance.

Hardship waivers will be considered. If both the Leader and the Group are unable to pay the full amount, please include a note to that effect with this form or speak to the AFC. Please return this form with any adjustment options checked.

Leader dues may be paid by either the Leader or the Group. Leader dues are a legitimate Group expense. By paying Leader dues, an individual Leader agrees she is affiliated with the Area LLL of MA/RI/VT and agrees to the LLL of MA/RI/VT Area Leader Agreement.

By paying Leader dues each Leader agrees to:

The LLLI Mission statement: To help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.

The LLL Leader Statement of Commitment: I am personally committed to furthering the mission of LLL and to supporting breastfeeding as presented in The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding and other LLLI publications. I understand and agree that in using the designation “La Leche League Leader,” and in representing La Leche League, I will comply with the most recently published version of the La Leche League Policies and Standing Rules as posted on the LLLI website. I will resign from this position if for any reason I find that I can no longer represent La Leche League in accordance with this agreement, and I will discontinue use of the designation “La Leche League Leader.”

I further agree that I am affiliated with the Area LLL of MA/RI/VT and agree to the LLL of MA/RI/VT Area Leader Agreement (review the Leader Agreement) and all related policies of LLL Alliance and LLLI, including the LLLI Inclusivity Statement. If the Group is paying my Leader dues, I agree that I am affiliated with the Group and the Area LLL of MA/RI/VT. If the Group pays the Leader’s dues, the Leader has agreed that she is affiliated with the Group and the Area LLL of MA/RI/VT. Your Leader dues are tax-deductible if paid by you.

  • 2024 Leader Dues:

    • $50 for all active Group Leaders, when paid before 5/31/24.

    • $50 for all Distinguished Leaders (25+ years of leadership) ** when paid before 5/31/24.

    • Dues waived for Leaders serving on the Area Team or Area Council.

    • $65 for all Non-Group Affiliated (NGA) Leaders, when paid before 5/31/24.

    • Leader Dues is pro-rated for newly accredited Leaders in 2023:

      • Oct 1–Dec 31: $12.50––July 1–Sept 30: $25.00––April 1–June 30: $37.50

** Non-Group-Affiliated Distinguished Leaders not serving LLL in other ways are encouraged to pay the full $65.00 to help offset the amount the Area pays in your name for cost sharing.

You may mail a check payable to “LLL of MA/RI/VT” to: Paula Manley, 34 Forge Road, Kingston, MA 02364.

If you have any questions, email Paula.

To pay by credit card, please complete and submit this form, then click on the “Pay Now with Credit Card” button to go to our Square page to complete payment.

Once you have completed and submitted the form above, please use the button below to go to our Square page to pay with a credit card.